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Why Choose Ellie Social Media?

Trust us to implement a top-notch, innovative, fully-customized and results-driven social media marketing strategy that will facilitate the exponential growth of your business and Client base - over a realistic timeframe.

Our Mandate


 We strive to understand your business needs and goals thoroughly, so we can implement the most planoptic and effective social media marketing strategy possible. One that's customized around your business goals, so we can not only reach them, but surpass them.


We will always share with you why social media has become the go-to place for marketing in today’s consumer-driven market. We’ll also keep you informed about the latest and greatest industry trends to ensure your social media marketing campaign stays ahead of, and out-performs the rest.


It’s also our mandate to win new customers for you through value-added social media campaigns and content that builds a solid and happy consumer community and both converts new viewers into customers - and makes repeat customers out of first time buyers. 

Legal Handshake
Business Ethics

Fair Market Value

As far as price-point goes, we are slightly lower than industry average, yet higher than an entry level social media assistant.


We quote based on an hourly rate in combination with our expertise and quality of our output.


We also factor in account management and ensure there is ample time available in our schedule to guarantee top service standards.

Bottom line: We are interested in servicing your social media marketing needs for a LONG time; not just ONE time. We understand that monthly costs add up. 

Any experienced social media manager can confirm that online success depends on time and consistency. It may take up to 3-6 months for you to see the impact of your investment.

Open Communication


At Ellie, we also believe in total transparency as per your brands campaign results. You'll receive a monthly report and the opportunity to sit down with us bi-monthly to discuss our projects and progress.


throughout the month we report back to you regularly with progress updates - and strategy tweaks if necessary.

Ellie Social Media is always totally up-front with Clients about our deliverables. We are also very aware there is sometimes a gap that needs to be bridged between reality and expectations. As such, we never promise viral results. Instead, we are rock-solid confident that the results will speak for themselves.  On our acquiring 100+ followers per month organically. This means real followers that turn into real and returning customers.

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Exceeding Expectations

Full Service

We are a FULL SERVICE agency. That means that with our amazing Team; graphic designer, copywriter, community outreach liaison, admin and assistants - Not to mention,  the ability to offer you Google Ads and paid ads - you only need to engage 1 agency - not 3 or 4 - to get the job done RIGHT. 

When you work with Ellie Social Media, you’ll have all your SMM marketing needs covered; Running smoothly and cohesively - with little to no effort on your end.

Working with us means a well rounded, strategic impact on your marketing, for less.

Our Guarantee?

Consistently delivering and executing on social media marketing components that will drive your business to a whole new level.

That includes increased website/landing page traffic, increased conversions of traffic into sales and the expansion of your loyal, community-oriented consumer base and, increased reach. 


And to top it all off, creating the industry-disrupting exposure you need to translate your investment in social media marketing into an increased bottom line beyond your expectations

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