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How Your Business Benefits from Top-Notch, All-Rounded Social Media Marketing or "SMM"

Updated: 7 days ago

How Your Business Benefits from Top-Notch, All-Rounded Social Media Marketing or “SMM”

With the explosion of SMM in the world, the way we attract and do business has become forever changed. Social media (SM) on platforms such as Instagram, FaceBook and Pinterest, has not only shaped, but defined the way we interact with each other and with businesses, both as consumers and proprietors.

Here are the top 10 reasons why as a business owner, you can’t afford not to invest in your online digital presence and SMM.

  1. + Customer Conversion: Every great post shared on any SM platform is yet another opportunity to attract and convert customers to your business. As you build your SMM brand presence and following online, you will be reaching your entire customer pool, be they new or return customers.

  2. + Brand Exposure (“Reach”) and Accessibility: The larger your online presence, the easier it is for customers to find and gain easy access to you. Your branding needs channels so it can “speak” to as many varied audiences as possible for maximum customer outreach and conversion. Using “reach”, or the analytic metric that shows how far a post has reached and how many people have seen or read it, will allow for more targeted and therefore successful campaigns as your online presence grows.

  3. + Cost Efficiency: Creating your Company profile on most SM platforms is free. Where many business owners miss the mark is by trying to manage the multiple tasks required to manage a successful SMM strategy. This is why an experienced, professional SMM individual or agency is essential to growing your business successfully.

  4. + Information Gathering: By monitoring user comments, you gain invaluable information, including your customers’ interests, how they view your business, how they behave, what drives them, and what kind of content generates the most interest among them. You can then measure how many conversions different content posted generated, then adjust your next campaign accordingly.

  5. + Inbound Traffic: Each SM profile and platform you utilize is a new channel for inbound traffic to your business. Without these channels, traffic is bound to be limited to those already familiar with your brand. Smart business owners also realize that the higher the quality of your SM content, the more incoming traffic you are bound to generate.

  6. + Search Engine Rankings: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) via updating your blog, tagging titles and putting out links leading back to your website is simply no longer sufficient in order to gain all relevant traffic from search engines. Search engines these days, including Google, are mostly computing rankings based on your presence on social media. A healthy SM presence therefore likely indicates to search engines that your business is viable and trustworthy.

  7. + Company Trustworthiness and a Value-Add to Customers: The ability to educate, entertain, inspire, teach and/or show potential customers something that adds value to their life without having to sell them something first is a definite SM must-have and will only serve to assist you in growing your customer base. Through continual communication via social media, you gain the growing trust of your followers on a daily basis. Eventually you become a trusted source of information, greatly adding to your overall credibility.

  8. A Face for Your Brand: Convey who you are effectively, without having to step into a shop or describe everything yourself. Your brand becomes as apparent on social media as it is on your website.

  9. A Prime Sales Touchpoint: Social media is the first place that people search now. Also, because of the aforementioned explosion of social media, Instagram has now become the new Google.

  10. + Customer Loyalty: This includes offering giveaways, deals, etc., which creates and nurtures an ongoing relationship with customers once they have followed your brand. This is invaluable to growing and retaining your customer base.

In the next blog post, we’ll look at the 6 Pillars of Social Media Marketing and why crossing off the t’s and dotting the i’s of each one of them in your SMM is paramount if your business is going to continue to grow and thrive.

For more tips and tricks, visit us on Instagram at :)

See you there!

Ellie Social

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