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Security alerts on Facebook or Instagram? 5 Practices to avoid account shut down on social media

Updated: Jun 28

Have you ever lost access to a facebook or instagram page due to security violations? Have you ever been unsure why your instagram app wont let you comment or follow anyone for 24 hours?

We have heard countless stories from our clients sharing their experiences dealing with disaster situations on social media. We have the utmost empathy for any business owner who puts their heart and soul into their online presence only to have it locked or shut down for good. Restarting is hard, and although its possible, starting from scratch doesn't have to be your only option

In this blog post, we will explore how Facebook and Instagram work to maintain security on their platforms.

I'll give you five examples of practices that are typically flagged, including over-engagement, login security detections, peer reporting, unlawful sales, and flagged content. Let's jump in!

1. Over-engagement:

Over-engagement refers to excessive or spammy actions on Facebook and Instagram, such as liking, commenting, or following accounts at an abnormally high rate. While it may seem like a way to gain visibility quickly, it is important to avoid this practice as it can trigger security measures on both platforms. To maintain security, it is recommended to engage with accounts authentically and at a reasonable pace, respecting the platforms' guidelines.

2. Login Security Detections:

Facebook and Instagram have robust systems in place to detect and prevent unauthorized access to accounts. If an account displays suspicious login activity, such as logging in from multiple locations in a short period or using unusual devices, it may trigger security measures. To maintain account security, small business owners should ensure they have a strong password, enable two-factor authentication, and be cautious while using third-party applications that request access to their accounts.

3. Peer Reporting:

Facebook and Instagram rely on user reports to identify potential violations of their community guidelines. While peer reporting plays a crucial role in maintaining a safe environment, it can sometimes lead to false reports. Small business owners should be aware that competitors or disgruntled individuals might attempt to report their accounts to disrupt their online presence. To mitigate this risk, it is important to ensure compliance with platform guidelines and maintain transparent communication with followers to address any concerns promptly.

4. Unlawful Sales:

Facebook and Instagram have strict policies regarding the sale of illegal or prohibited items. Engaging in the sale of counterfeit products, drugs, firearms, or other prohibited goods can lead to severe consequences, including account suspension or termination. Small business owners must familiarize themselves with the platforms' policies and ensure they comply with local laws and regulations regarding the sale of their products or services.

5. Flagged Content:

Both Facebook and Instagram have content moderation systems that automatically flag potentially inappropriate or offensive content. This includes posts containing hate speech, nudity, violence, or copyrighted material. Small business owners should exercise caution when creating and sharing content, ensuring it aligns with the platforms' guidelines and community standards. Regularly reviewing content and responding to flagged posts or comments promptly is essential to maintain a positive online reputation.

As a small business owner, understanding how Facebook and Instagram maintain security on their platforms is vital for mitigating risk. By avoiding over-engagement, prioritizing login security, addressing peer reporting concerns, avoiding unlawful sales, and being mindful of flagged content, you can protect your business's reputation and ensure a positive user experience for your audience. Remember to stay informed about platform guidelines, regularly review your content, and promptly address any security-related issues that may arise. By prioritizing security, you can leverage the power of Facebook and Instagram to grow your business successfully without the hiccup of stressful account issues.

Remember, the key to maintaining security on social media platforms is to be vigilant, adhere to guidelines, and foster a positive online presence that aligns with your business values.

And for the love of instagram - DO NOT keep attempting to login or take any actions on your profiles if you are banned or receive a warning.⁠ Give it 24hrs to see if it works itself out.

Schedule a free consultation to discuss how to fix any security issues you've run into and get your social profiles back on track!

Comment below - what's your IG disaster story?⁠

Didn't find what you were looking for? Try this: 5 Essential Social Media Security Tips and Tricks for Small Business Owners

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